One in the Holy Spirit

Peace-making believer

Who are the disciples? They care for the neighbors with the heart of Jesus with the heart of a shepherd. SaRang Church brings up those who maintain the principle with the warmness of faith in the world of infinite competition and in the age of efficiency. They speak the truth with the new sense of value and orientation to do in love. These disciples cure the aches of the nation and bear the world in mind.

Reconciliation is the model of love God shows to us in advance. Thus, we can be generous when we depend on the abundant grace. Not to avenge can be possible when we discipline and control ourselves well. But, to “repay evil with blessing” (1 Peter 3:9) is a difficult requirement to go against the our physical instinct. But, as the antirecessionary prayer extends our spiritual strength without limitation in our heart, our lives will be enlarged when we pray for those who make troubles to us and will grant blessings that the Christ’s love compel us.